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snfr said:

Sometimes it seems like some people (including you) totally forget about Sony's own games (1st party). Those who want to tell me that Sony games are (objectively seen) not on par with Nintendo's or MS's have obviously never played them or... well... you know.

Especially Sony hasn't really relied on third party games this gen. The only third party games that drove PS3s were MGS4 (worldwide) and Yakuza 3 and 4 (only in japan). People mainly buying PS3s because of Sony's first (and second) party games, and not because of third party ones. And Nintendo isn't unstoppable, next gen could look totally different. When you look back you'll see what happend to Nintendo after the SNES und you'll see what happened to Sony after the PS2.

It's been said many times that nobody questions how good Sony's 1st party games are. It's completely subjective and you may like them as much as you can, but it's outrageous stupidity to think that Sony's 1st party games have a chance to win against Nintendo's 1st party in sales compraison. That's what matters and it's an objective reality. Deal with it.

LOL, so now PS3 ain't supported by 3rd parties, though it got practically every multiplatform game while Wii got nothing? And  regardless of 3rd party support Nintendo sold twice as much consoles as Sony. Your argument doesn't hold any water, in fact, it proves the opposite (see above).