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The system sellers that got me in this generation were many so I'll only list a few on each system that I own.

DS The games that I just had to play were

Mario Kart DS 

Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow

Final Fantasy III remake

New Super Mario bros

Seriously the DS might just be Nintendo's best system ever.


Wii Some of the best Nintendo first party games were made for Wii The ones that made me buy it were

Super Smash Bros Brawl

Mario Kart Wii

Metroid Prime 3

Super Mario Galaxy


PS3 some of the games I knew at the time I'd need the system for were

Final Fantasy XIII

God of War III

Metal Gear Solid 4

Really all things considered the PS3 has some of the most awesome 3rdparty support this generation imo.


PSP I instantly knew I'd be buying the PSP this gen when I found out early on that there was a Metal Gear game and that Medievil was being remade the other games that caught my interest were

Mega Man Powered Up

Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII

Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories

The PSP really does have a solid lineup.


PC really is an awesome platform for games. The ones that made me update my video card this gen were


Mass Effect

Gears of War

I know the PC transcends generations but I thought it deserves a mention.


I'll also mention the Xbox 360 even though I don't have my own yet do to financial reasons. I have played my friends 360s and just some the games that I'd buy it for are

Halo 3

Halo Reach

Forza Motorsport 3

Alan Wake

Lost Odyssey

The Last Remnant

I really can't wait until I complete my collection of consoles this generation. 


Alright so what was/were the games that got you into this generation for each specific system you own?