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EVO 2010 was certainly fun to watch, with some good players out there (Gamerbee's Adon was very nice, as well as the Vangief's pad Zangief), although the damn stream froze during the finals and we didn't get to see the win (Daigo won again).

Anyways, I'm making progress slowly on Way of the Samurai 3. You need to get all of the swords, because some swords have unique skills, but some of them are a pain to farm (killing someone who triggers the credits, for example, so you need to loot his body very quickly but he doesn't always drop the ones you need). Outside of the weapon ones, I think I need a few more Titles to get 20, get like 11 or so more Endings and I think that's it. I have 30 hours on it so far and I think I'll need another 20 or so to finish it up. It's look to be like a 3 star platinum, but if there was a trophy for getting all of the titles, then it would probably be a 4 star one.