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You guys are all misinformed or don't grasp the reality.  Reality is the USA system is a rat race.  People are controlled by debt.  Forced to work shit jobs that barely pay a living wage. 

On to taxes being mainly paid by rich.......  Well if they were smart enough they could find plenty of loopholes in the tax system.  Why did Warren Buffet say something needs to be done to the tax system considering he pays less taxes than his secretary?  Also, when a small percentage owns over 90 percent of the wealth where do you expect the taxes to be collected from?

Wages have been suppressed for almost everyone or barely going up while the CEOs have double digit percentile gains in the past 20-30 years.  Every year you don't get a pay increase it is about the same as getting a decrease due to inflation.  USA colleges need overhaul also.  The cost to go to college is ridiculous.  Plus, most of the times the degree doesn't help one get a job now a days when you have thousands of people applying for one job.  You think they will hire the recent college grad or someone that has 10-20 plus years experience...  A lot of things need fixed in this country but I have yet to find a better one to move to.  I was thinking Canada but not too sure...  I want to be in a multi-party system.  I hate two party system.  I hate winner takes all.  Proportional representation is way better.  Electoral college can go fuck itself.  Both major parties in USA suck.  They make the people act like 5 year olds in elementary school calling each other names.  The entire political system in USA sucks.  It needs to be wiped out completely and rebuilt because it is utter shit.