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The US  economy is going down and things will get worse over there. The high tax increases in 2011 to claw back the bail outs given to failing banks and corporations. This will hurt the US economy. The flow on impact upon Europe will be catastrophic. UK recently implemented economic austerity measures which will hurt the economy. Cutting budgets and reducing debt may not stop the economy from re-entering recession over in the UK. Unemployment rates will increase in both the US and the UK when the governments increase taxes. 

Banks in the US: Golden Sacks, CitiGroup and Leyland Brothers. spelling? They have a lot to answer for for all their scamming and using billions of government bail out money on bonuses. Billions in bonuses handed out to CEOs, directors and fund managers for losing trillions! Rewarding failure. 

Tax payers are spewing in the US that their taxes are being used to bail out white collar psychopathic criminals. Communist/Socialist governments stealing tax payers money, stealing funds from superannuation and pensions to fund the Corporate criminals to lose the money all over again. 

Get out of the US while you still can. Property values are expected to fall even lower when the double dip recession hits in 2011/12.