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Gnizmo said:

So you agree in that they made a mistake with the PS3, so why are you arguing against me?

cause the mistake that you are pointing wasn't all a mistake like you are pointing out

There are PCs that far, far outclass what the PS3 is capable of. You can easily get the same power.

yes but at what price not at what the PS3 is at with all its features

More over the developers could more easily take advantage of that power giving better games earlier.

yes but again the price would be a stubling block

for example Crytek put out the best looking game but the machine they put it out for cost a bomb.

they found it easy to develop Crysis cause it had higher power and used the existing architecture

In essence you would have gotten effectively more powerful hardware simple because it would not take so much work to get that power to be used effectively.

again it would cost more

This does mean you won't see the same level of improvement over the course of the console,

why wouldn't you,as developer become comfortable with the machine like they are with the PC architecture then we will see the same improvements

but that is because the top is reached more quickly.

but can you bring a same power machine with the PC architectyre which the devs are used to at the same price,no you don't

This means the games are as good in individual comparisons, and substantial better on average. Win/win.

but the price will be higher.people don't like paying $300 for PS3 and what you are mentioning would have costed much more

Allow me to explain via example. DirectX was created due to developer demand. When Windows 95 came out it took away the ability to directly utilize the hardware, or something to that effect as the specifics escape me. As such a game could not be the best game possible due to issues with effectively utilizing that power. In response, Microsoft created a work around that let developers better utilize the hardware and thus we get better games with less effort.

yes but the architecture remianed same so devs got used to it

the same happend with PS2 WHERE THEY GOT USED TO IT

In this analogy the PS3 is Windows 05, and the PS4 will have DirectX.

yes but if they change the architeecture again then even that won't help

The underlying hardware will be better utilized because it will not have to fight against the hardware as much.Instead it works with the developer. The end result is better games, and more of them as developers without the ability or desire to twist the hardware to their desires would be able to create games as well.

yes but direct X would then not let DEV the full control like devs have with PS3

Imagine how much better the PS3 library would be with more ports from Valve,

i think that was more a problem with GABE NEWELL than the PS3

or if the existing ports didn't need to be outsourced. A full, and true port of Orange Box would add a ton alone!

IT would have still made problems if the other console with lead developement have different architecture

it would be the same if other console with same PS3 architecture,even then games wouln't be degraded