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richardhutnik said:
sapphi_snake said:


Seems to me like religion is nothing more than made-up answers to questions that cannot be answered, or may not even have an answer (I'm refering to things like the origin of life, or the purpose of life).

As for the moral aspect, most of our moral background comes from greek philosophers, not from any religion. And religion can't be said to be responsable for any values, as it itself is an invention of humans. At most religion could be considered a tool for perpetuating values, however values themslves are made up by humans. Also one ned not remove religion from existence. Religion can naturally die out, as people realise they don't need religion (whixh they really don't).

And "The Fatal Conceit" Hayek seems to criticize the ideea of planning society. He uses an evolution analogy to why socialism fails. He also seems to think that religions have survived thanks to survival of the fittest, yet I don't really think that most widespread religions have achieved their status because they were the best religions that attracted te most people, but rather through coercion (for example Christianity or Islam).

Actually, I argue that it is due to prevelance in community, plus force of habit and the power of tradition (just like language) which is why it is so.  It is something someone grows up in and is used to.  And the human mind seems compelled to be draw to spirituality.  People will go, "I am not religious, I am spiritual", and then talk of that.  It is more of a byproduct of how the human mind is wired.  And it isn't the best though.  It is just what seems to fit the most.

Eventually, you get a religion where it ends up being able to adopt itself and modify.  The Christian religion proves itself to be VERY flexible, with an ability for people to pick and choose as they desire, being more liberal and conservative as they like, and explain away things they have issues.  Islam, by its nature, is one man and one scripture, and the basics are so simple, it shows that it can adopt all over: One God only and Mohammed is his prophet.  Then a few others, like giving to the poor, and making a once in a lifetime journey.  Oh yes, and avoiding things like pork.  Then throw in a community of people, and you end up with something that can be part of a person's life, and it works.

Coercion fails to explain why you see growth of Christianity and Islam today.  There is no one forcing people to do it.

Coercion was the initial method used to spread these religions. Today Christianity and Islam grow through indoctrination of children. Heck in my country, while I was growing up, we even had mandatory religious classes where you were forced to learn prayers and bible stories.

It is something someone grows up in and is used to.

This is the main reason why religion doesn't die out.

And what is this spirituality people keep talking about? Seems linke nothing more than chemical recations in the brain that alter people's conciousness. People can be so silly.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"
