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@Ssenkah , in regards to LOD not being on psn as i stated near the end we don't know what they have planned for it it might still come i don't know, they might have held it back while they got the FF games onto psn after all Wada had to take FF9 going on psn to the board for approval, or  it may be the case that its just not a priority for them.

As to MS advertising Lost odyssey etc we all know that it was tied into them trying to increasing Japanese market share and winning over PS2 rpg gamers to 360 and being unprecidented  isn't indicitive of past and present jrpg advertising,it is up to the many rpg publishers to advertise as they see fit and where they think it is best suited not Sonys, MS's or Nintendos role as the Console maker .

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot