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@Robo:  Remember what the Pres of NiSA said about the 3ds tho.  It is not that they do not want to support the system, it is that they are known to be very Pro Sony, so Nintendo did not send them dev kits right off the bat.  This just means they are not allowed into the launch/early launch gaming window.  This makes sense too.  I am very curios to see what their new IPs are going to be.   I really hope nothing bad happens to NIS.  The American Arm is doing fine (NISA) but they are just a publisher and like they said they had to publish certain games due to agreements, hell he even APOLOGIZED for Last Rebellion!

I do not see P5 being a launch 3DS title.  I think it has 3 options (PSP, PS3, Wii) and those are in order of likely hood.    It is possible they are going to start another Persona series on the 3DS.  Heck, they could use the Persona Anime and make a game based on that.  I cannot believe their debut title on the 3DS will be a multi-platform title, let alone a port, so I doubt it will be P4.

The problem with FF7, is I have a feeling Sony already has something in the works to get it on a Sony system.  Yes there is no basis for this, I just cannot believe it would happen.