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Multiculturalism works if the citizens of the other countries are willing to give up their past and swear allegience to their new land. The problem is that many, and I mean MANY do not do that.

For example, in America....Most people of Mexican origin still have very strong ties and show favoritism to their home country. They show off flags, attend rallies, and do many things to promote their old land...How does that help America today? I don't think it does. Other people groups have acclaimated much better to America, and we're better for it, I think.

Ultimately, its up to both the native born and immigrant to work together. Both can fail via xenophobia and a lack of regard for your new country. You can succeed too - look at Europeans and Asians in America.

One interesting observation: Is it me, or does it seem that a people group's success in a country is determined by their resolve to acclaimate to their new land? In America, it seems that the less you hold on to your homeland, the better off you are here.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.