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I bought modnation, and loved it

I'm not a car nut by any stretch of the imagination and I will buy GT5 when I would never touch an FPS or sports game,  I'm not even a huge racer fan but I started buying a few because they are good social games ((splitscreen etc, i normally buy RPG's which suffice to say are not) and GT is just one of 'those' franchises that pulls casual dabblers in the genre like myself)

I have never found the Gt learning curve to be bad at all, its harder than a game like mariokart, but its not hard, even modnation may be harder to learn imo

Didn't IGN also predict that mass effect 2 would outsell FF13 worldwide? I may be wrong but I am pretty sure it was them, Personally I wouldn't put too much credence on anything IGN says about games that have their main user bases outside america (No offense intended toward America in any way, just suggesting that IGN is myopic toward America)  I don't care for IGN opinion at all, in fact I generally find myself in the group that does things (or rates games) quite opposite to what they say, GT5 being a case in point.


Favourite Games of 2013 1.Tomb Raider(PS3) 2.Atelier Ayesha(PS3) 3.Virtues Last Reward (Vita)