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Mr Puggsly said:

1) I feel like you argue even when there isn't anything to argue about.

i feels the same about you

2) Actually I said MS will probably wait 3 - 4 years before releasing a console. So... lets move on.

yes,thats hat i was referring to so lets stay on

as if MS releases consoles after PS4 and Wii2,they will sink down

3) Hmmm... yeah. Like I said, 3 - 4 years.

like i said Ninty and SONY will come up with new machines by 2013 so MS needs to come before

4) Well lets wait and see if they start posting some profits any time soon. My guess is making the PS4 cheap is the first priority. I mean they released a very expensive console and we saw how that worked out.

they will post some profit soon for the PS division

yes they released an expensive consoles and thats why they were able to Establish blu-ray and PS4 blu-ray being cheap

5) Its great that Sony helped establish Bluray. But I fail to understand how it really benefited Sony. Is there no money in DVDs? What a wacky business.


SONY were earning less royalties from DVD but will own more from BLU-RAY.

also after some time of domination,people want new format and HD-DVD was coming up.if it had taken over then SONY will be earning the low DVD royalties and no HD-DVD royalties

6) Well the PS3 would definitely be much less relevant. The only thing currently keeping it alive is Sony gladly pissing money away.

yes but only because it still has value

7) In regards to damage control. Sony fucked up. They put out a ridiculously high priced gaming console and the masses went elsewhere. Basically Sony is doing whatever it takes to not lose more of their old audience to the 360 and Wii. Even if it means the PS3 is ultimately a financial disaster. In my opinion that's damage control.

obviously they are not trying to lose money when the format has been established.

Damge control is when damage is done without knowing or intention,SONY completely knew that they were gonna lose huge amounts and like any other company when the job is done,they want to stop the losses now

8) We'll have to wait and see.

so we will