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Dodece said:


Actually your sighting a proof of the simplicity of life not its complexity. Life isn't entirely orchestrated within the nucleus of a cell. The truth is cellular biology appears to be symbiotic in nature. Different structures within cells will function with or without a nucleus. The fact that a life form can translate its physical pattern from generation to generation would in a real sense be a definitive proof of the evolutionary process. That a creature could simply just copy using its own body as a template would probably predate later models of reproduction which rely heavily upon DNA guiding an exact process.

Take for example human development. During initial development vestigial traits form, and then later disappear. Which is probably indicative that early development is being regulated by different segments of the genetic code which in turn likely predate the species. To keep it short. We basically evolve as we develop. We basically go from fish to anphibian to reptile, and then finally to mammal. This seems counter to what we think would happen if DNA was a direct translator. Natural Selection doesn't discard the play book with each new species. Basically life is full of reusing old ideas especially if the cost of developing a new one is too high. The fact that a simple life form can get by without using DNA to guide the process isn't really a counter argument. All it shows is life can get at its goal in so many ways.

Oh by the way let me explain it yet again. Ignorance is not a proof of complexity. The only thing ignorance is proof of is a lack of information and understanding. The underlying cause of something can be ridiculously simple, and in fact it usually is fairly simple. The Earth centric glass sphere model of the universe was far more complex then Heliocentrism. That was a system filled with massively incomprehensible complex mechanics where things moved forward, and then looped back upon themselves. By simply moving the center. Which right now seems ridiculously simple. You didn't need all the complex math. You realize that everything is just moving in a elipses around a single point. A over simplification granted, but you can see the point.

I am sure back when the glass model came out it would probably have taken someone explaining it to me a good deal of time to describe the apparent complexity of the situation. They would also probably point out the massive gaps in their understanding. Today I can get the answer to my question in just a few minutes. Basically with a more complete understanding the explanation gets simpler.

Your making the problem complex, because you lack the imagination to see it in any other way. Life uses templates to get the job of replication done. There is no good, better, best. A creature can use DNA as a template, or it can use the structure of the cell as a template, or it can even use a body as a template. The process may not be exactly the same in each instance, but each process is probably fairly simple if you completely understand how it does what it does. Don't confuse the tedium of trial and effort solving of problems with the answer being equally verbose. After all it took humans thousands of years to properly place Earth within the context of the Universe, but it doesn't take thousands of years to explain it. Hell it doesn't even take five minutes.

Everything is evidence of evolution including ignorance. No other theory tries to use ignorance and imagination as evidence or a defense like ToE does. What this means is when it comes down to it, scientist has not figured out exactly what make you human (any other animal) and there are some who  has admited this. Of course with time they will probably figured it out but they do know there's a lot more to it than just rearranging a butch of genes.

 I keep read science papers where scientist were surprise how complex even the simplest life forms are.