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Killiana1a said:
Mr Puggsly said:
kowenicki said:

oops... wrong again huh?

so.. MS is sitting on $5.8Bn losses... which they can pretty much afford as it represents about 1/3 of their annual profits

Sony (despite their gaming dominance over the years) is sitting on cumulative losses of around $2bn.  

those two numbers will move closer togtehr over the next 2 years too.

Am I reading this chart right?

It seems the 360 could potentially be profitable by the end of this gen.

While Sony lost all the profits from the PS2 and then some.

If this is the case, then do you think Kaz Hirai and the execs above him at Sony are looking at this data and their internals and questioning whether it is a wise business decision to invest in creating a PS4?

have you gone bonkers

you think they didn't know that PS3 will make them a loss

they made the sacrifice for BLU-RAY,now Blu-ray and PS4 are their jackpot lines

Also, does anyone have any estimates on how much Move and Kinect have cost in terms of research, development, production, and marketing?

nobody knows this

Will the sales from Move and Kinect recuperate their initial start-up costs in order to be considered a profitable business venture, thus a good business decision?

yes as costs will be minimal