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kowenicki said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
Squilliam said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
Squilliam said:
thismeintiel said:
Mr Puggsly said:
M.U.G.E.N said:

ps3 doomed? again? :S man that sounds familiar

I still say its doomed. I mean just bearing in mind its a horrible financial failure.

Well, if you're going to go with that as the standard for what a doomed console is, then I guess the 360 is doomed, as well.  It still hasn't come close to making back the billions lost from the original X-Box or the billions lost from its own first years of being on the market.  So far, the X-Box brand has yet to be profitable.  Something that has led some of MS's investors to cry out for them to drop out of the console market and put more focus on maintaining its OS marketshare.  If Kinect proves not to be the success MS hoping for, you can expect to hear more investors crying out for the same thing.

At least on a positive for Sony, the Playstation brand, as a whole, has still remained profitable.

The Playstation brand is barely above water, I suspect that a newer version of the above shows them at or below 0.

The EDD will probably poke its head above $1B profit for the financial year ending 2010. If you want to talk about it as a going concern then yes it'll take a while to break even. If you're talking about the Xbox business as an asset then its already paid itself back because it could be sold for more than they have lost thus far, netting them an overall profit. Further to that, they are getting better returns than simply leaving the cash in the bank. So whether Kinect does anything or not, they still have no reason to be specifically concerned about the Xbox 360 moving forward.

YOU THINK XBOX business can be sold for $9.5billion.only that amount will give MS a profit

No, I think it can be sold for more than $5.7B Because the last $312M profit wasn't accounted for and this quarter will probably give them about $100M profit overall so that link will read very differently in less than 30 days.


MS in total have made a loss of $9.5billion and recovered only around $300m last year which brings it down to $9.2 billion loss

fisical year 2009-2010 has not taken into consideration

those neogaf figure are not correct.i have seen a  bigger list


so now we have $9.2billion substract profit from FY09-10

so $5.7b will not fetch them a profit on XBOX


also nobody would pay even $5.7BILLION to MS because of the following:

console business requires alot of  investment

the brand has to be relaunched every 5-6 years

also alot os XBOX hardcore fanbase is because of MS itself,so some fans will stop buying it

XBOX brand is not succesful even after spending so much as they are still fighting for 2nd place and nowhere near 1st

XBOX 720 would lose again if PS4,Wii2 drops at $299 OR something around that

oops... wrong again huh?

so.. MS is sitting on $5.8Bn losses... which they can pretty much afford as it represents about 1/3 of their annual profits

Sony (despite their gaming dominance over the years) is sitting on cumulative losses of around $2bn.  

those two numbers will move closer togtehr over the next 2 years too.

i have seen in one of the charts as MS having $9.5b loss

and we weren't talking about MS being able to  afford it,we know it can easily

but squilliam was saying that MS could sell it and i was debating if any company would buy it or not

and that SONY loss will be easily covered by Blu-ray and PS4.$2B ISN'T much when its helping more products of the company