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Mr Puggsly said:

Unless we can find the sales difference between Arcade and Elite units, no point in debating this.


but you started the debate

and people who normally bought 360 because it was cheaper weren't hardcores and gdon't care about ELITE's

I agree $149 is more likely to happen first. I also think it'll have massive sales boost at that price. I expect another huge boost if they can manage to get it down to $99. I don't think the original Xbox went under $149 though.

obviosly their would be a boost for every price cut but will it be like the PS3 boost last year and sustaining,no it won't comparing to that

Gamecube had its best sales at $99 but it wasn't selling at a higher price thats why.and even XBOX wasn't selling at the higher price and that the entire generation was low priced.

this generation has been high priced and even then people bought the console,it isn't that just because of the lower price people will buy 2-3 360'S

Well there has been a great demand for the Xbox 360 at the current high price, and there will be an even bigger demand at lower prices as long as it keeps receiving quality software.

their has been demand for 360 at high price??????????????

ARCADE was cheaper than the Wii Last year and now too

That sounds comfortable. I think people rather use a Nav controller.

yes but atleast it is no compulsary

I'm looking at the big picture. Not just what you have.

yes me too

but people who want will buy

Well if you want to experience those games you better have another Move controller lying around. The Kinect won't have that problem. No extra cost to play with a friend either.

you can get the full experience with one controller same like Wii

and no extra cost on Kinect will also be costlier and bad games and when a normal gamer goes to buy a game,he does not think of playing multiplayer in-house

Once again, I'm looking at the big picture. You're just telling me why this isn't your problem.

big picture is different for everybody

Maybe it only supports 2 people, maybe it doesn't. All I know is buying two move controllers and an Eyetoy isn't cheap either. Especially when you have to buy Nav controllers.

not everybody needs to buy 2 MOVE and NAV,it depends on your choice and most won't even use Kinect for 2 people

Once again, you keep focusing on yourself. It'll take more than you to make the Move a success.

yes but you are talking as if everybody will need to buy 2 MOVE,NAV compulsary and that everybody will play multiplayer in-house which all depends on the person and people do buy exta things all the time for the Wii

Because buying everything for Move isn't cheap. Especially for multiplayer gaming.

not everybody is going to do it and if you want to do just buy an additional controller as again people buying don't think of playing multiplayer in-house and if they want like Wii pay additional and the price is only for you

I doubt it. The Kinect has potential you can't get on the Move and vice versa. I mean its full body tracking vs a Wiimote knockoff.

how is Kinect more potential.its games are limited by 360's processing power and don't forget Kinect is Eyetoy knockoff by your going

Uhhh... first one is an opinion, second is true, and I think you just pulled the third out of your ass.

MS conference was dispointing and if you liked it you  are an exception

and if you think MOVE costs alot more than DS3 and near its $50 PRICE then you don't follow gaming

Well I think being so similar to the Wiimote may deter some people. They basically already experienced it.

yes but the gaming experiences will be much deeper whereas on KINECT it will be like Wii,talking about the games quality not how they interact

Sorry, I was under the illusion that profit is important for some reason. Anyhow, I made my point why they didn't need to counteract immediately.

profit is important but not when we were talking about did it even help when you were comparing sales

I didn't make the claim. But sales are relatively the same as last year which was great. I expect a big holiday as well.

you didn't make the claim but you were talking that way

I'd like to think a $50 price cut on an obsolete model made that much of an impact. But I doubt it.

obsolete models??????????????????-they still do all the things except Wifi

if you are saying that the $50 price cut didn't make an impact then your earlier comments that $99 price cut will make impact are bullish

I disagree, but its still getting a lot more attention than the Move.

its noty getting anywhere near as much attention as it was getting earlier

and the current KINECT attention is more about predicting its price and people bashing it nothing else

Of course it does. It'll be a major reason people sign up and renew for XBL Gold.

like people wouldn't normally nenew XBL GOLD membership,i don't think the renewal can be counted as new revenue as MS would normally be expecting it

andf about new XBL memberships,they would make it but not loads as not many more will signup for HALO

From the game itself being, DLC for Reach will be huge, and XBL Gold generates money I imagine.

the game itself is normal,its nothing new

DLC for games is normal nothing new

XBL LIVE,renewal is not a new thing and new memberships will not be so much

Yes, you'll definitely see a boost when it happens.

yeah till that lay low

Can Sony afford to do a price cut so soon though? We'll have to wait and see I guess.

SONY can do a $50 price cut and they can afford it


Sorry I'm not following a game I really don't care about. I just noticed this site hasn't posted the release date.

just because this site hasn't posted the date so you don't know?

its one of the biggest games,if you don't know its release date then you don't follow gamig much and are one of the casual gamers