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DarkisWR said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
Mr Puggsly said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
Mr Puggsly said:

The problem is you're looking at the Xbox 360 Arcade. But the masses clearly want the Elite and its still $300. A price cut on the Elite will definitely boost sales. And a $99 Arcade wouldn't hurt sales either.

THE MASSES clearly want Elite..........................Lmao

the hardcores want elite not the people who bought 360 because it was cheaper.

the price cut of Elite will help but not for the masses and only hardcores who care about elite

the $99 Arcade won't hurt but it would do a big impact either and the way MS is going,tey won't cut Arcade's price to $99


Kinect will have a much bigger impact than the Move. The Move is far too similar to the Wiimote.

Kinect will also have a BIGGER price

and this is just your prediction.nobody has any idea how they both will sell.All the NATAL/KINECT hype died down after the dissapointing MS E3 conference

Well the Wii has very similar motion controls as the PS3. Perhaps some competition there?

you weren't talking about the Wii motion control and its price

and the Wii motion control has already made its impact.and you are fogetting that PS3 has Motion control in HD

You living in the past or something? MS has big things coming now.


so you just discard everything that happened in the past?

and you were the one who said MS always counters SONY which its didn't do last year

Everyone wants the Elite. People might settle with the Arcade because of price, but the masses want the Elite. So when it hits $200 you can expect a huge sales boost. Especially if MS does the price cut before Sony.

no the masses don't care about elit,they care about the games whihc are playable on Arcade.

yes $200 will have a big boost but not as big as you think as people already have ARCADE's

Also, I think a $99 Arcade will be huge. I just noticed the Gamecube saw its best sales at $99. The Original Xbox saw its best sales when it went under $200. Almost 50% was sold at $149. I think the 360 will follow suit.

$99 arcade would be big but MS won't do it for now and if they do $149 first and then $99 then it won't have much boost.

Gamecube had its best sales at $99 but it wasn't selling at a higher price thats why.and even XBOX wasn't selling at the higher price and that the entire generation was low priced.

this generation has been high priced and even then people bought the console,it isn't that just because of the lower price people will buy 2-3 360'S

Do the math. The Move starter kit is $99. The navigation controller is $30. Some games seem to require 2 Move controllers. That'll be another $50 for that experience. And if you want to play multiplayer, you'll need more Move controllers.

you can use DS3 as NAV

I don't need to buy MOVE STARTER bundle as i already have an EYE.

Only one MOVE

and those some games requiring 2 MOVE controller will be rare so don't push it

And for the game,i am already buying LBP,SOCOM,SORCERY,KILLZONE so why should i buy it

Multiplayer is your problem as nobody in my home plays so i won't need more controllers.also like Wii people will buy more controllers

also KINECT can't take more than 2 people at a time


so thats just $40 for a MOVE controller as i will be buying in Europe where it is cheaper and it will be more discounted on sites like AMAZON

The Kinect on the other hand will most likely be under $150. My guess is more like $120. And you don't need any more accessories and multiplayer can be played on a single device. The Kinect seems like a bargain in comparison.

how is it a bargain?????????? 

also don't forget that MOVE will have alot more games and better ones for all genres

also MOVE price was  affected by MS disappointing conference.

MOVE is cheaper in EU,JAPAN and

MOVE can also get a price cut as it costs alot less that its price to make

Well I'm just saying the Wii can still have a negative impact on PS3 sales. Especially considering their motion devices are very much the same.

the impact will be no greater than current one MOVE can only benefit

Well did they really need to counteract immediately? The Xbox 360 had huge sales last year. They are still millions ahead of the PS3. Most importantly the 360 was likely sold at a profit. We know Sony was taking a hit for each PS3 sold.

they are still 5million ahead even after being cheaper

yes 360 had huge sales but not bigger than PS3

how is it important that 360 was making a profit when we are discussing sales,stop bullshiting

Now its 2010. The 360 Slim has been released with no price and its selling like hot cakes.

you are talking as if 360 has been selling like hotcakes whole of 2010 till

its just been 2 weeks and we don't know if it will continue

and about 360 SLIM hotcakes,we don't know what is selling like hotcakes the discounted ARCADE and ELITES or the SLIM.

The Kinect is coming and its getting a lot of attention (unlike the Move).

almost all NATAL hype died down this E3 after KINECT name and MS horrible conference

Reach is coming and that'll generate ungodly amounts of money along with Xbox Live Gold subscriptions.

REACH releasing doesn't mean XBL money will be made

do you even know how a game makes money

I also expect a sales boost when the 360 Slim Arcade gets released.

we will see when that happens

Unless Sony gots another price cut up its sleeve or actually releases GT5, I don't know what else they can do to combat MS in the near future.

SONY will only do a price cut if SLIM,KINECT,360 price cut makes an impact 

GT5 dropping should follow gaming

Do you ever stop?

You've trashed this thread more than a lil bit.

Sorry but your stealth trolling and like last time I'm sure you'll post on my wall talking bs and have me banned for a week. *which in turn had you banned for a week aswell...ironic eh*

Your adding nothing to this discussion...infact I will say YOUr ATTACKING other users who do not support the ps3 blindly and anyone who has a differing opinion to you....if you don't think quote soo much you can't even quote correctly anymore...your post are a train wreck.


BTW last time I checked...theres more than just GT-Recycle for gamers.* I luv Gt as much as the next guy...but until i have it in my hand and see it for's all hype...been done for the last 10 years...when I see a ss that has n64 tree's and then e3 i see ''gameplay'' that has photorealistic qualitys...I call ''bs''.


Spew your unfounded and confusing points all you want.



BTW last time I owned you about kinect vs move kindly hit the report button on every single post I made.


You attack user's waaay too much here and I emplore a real mod to set you straight.

WTF are you talking about????????????????