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Actually when it comes to the age of the Earth you can give two answers that are equally correct. Many astronomers describe the Earth as being a binary planet, because Luna is so large compared to the Earth. Luna is the name of our moon by the way. Really its quite huge in relation to the size of its host planet. No planet in our solar system has a moon that even comes remotely close. Further more the leading hypothesis for the formation of Luna is planetary collision.

The theory is basically that another planet the size of Mars usually called Theia or Orpheus. Collided with the young Earth at a shallow angle destroying itself in the process, and that cast off material which formed Luna. Luna basically got a lot of the lighter material. While the young Earth accumulated most of the other planets core. So you have to say that there are actually two Earths. Either you are talking about Earth Mark 1, or Earth Mark 2.

That said all we can really do is surmise the age of Mark 2, because Mark 1 would have probably had any solid crust utterly annihilated by the event. This said Earth might actually be younger then the solar system. Not much younger mind you maybe ten million years, and when your talking in the thousands of millions of years thats like getting to the party half a minute late.

That all said what I find hilarious is that with all the fixation on Natural Selection that comes out of the religious camp world governments are murdering God down the street in broad daylight. For example the United States fully supports the theory of the Big Bang, and I mean really supports the theory. NASA has launched billions of dollars worth of space probes to actually measure the age of the Universe. That is all these probes were made to do. Hell just about every space agency on the planet is taking part.

Thats another one of those things I like to spring on Creationists. I love to corner the lunatics that think Nationalism and God are married. Well I guess its an old married couple, because Uncle Sam is taking the Big Bang out for a real expensive meal, before getting a blow job.