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Seece said:
BHR-3 said:

luagh out loudf or some reason i knew it be you or seece quoting me in here i havent posted on the site for weeks now and today when i decide to boom there your are its like you guys have a magnet for my posts

 3.8 by end of august it would of been 4M now but vgc adjusted long time after i made the thread so i wasnt that far off with the data i was using also it was end of 2011 take over WW for me and still is

next fall ps3 will go to $199 and you better run for cover because the sales explosions will be massive as they were in 09 when i had the same exact thing written in my sig since the end of 08

I really worry about you sometimes ... don't take this so seriously. and I asure you, me and kowen don't care enough to "run for cover" sales don't consume us, I'm starting to think it's a different story for you.

That said your other post, Sony gonna bring out a revised slim and Microsoft isn't? other way around buddy, a $199, possibly $149 arcade launching with Kinect will cause a massive upsurge.

It's pretty .... how should I put it? hopeful, to be thinking sony's low PS3 sales atm are due to stock problems. Slim launched last september, they are selling less than 600k a month, there are no stock problems BHR.

Price cuts taper off fast this gen, that much we've learnt from all 3 consoles, so you hopeing $199 is going to explode it's sales, sure for a month or two, but if they have little else to offer, they'll taper off even faster.

This is why Kinect is key to Microsoft's success, this price cut and slim on it's own wouldn't have sustained past June next year, but IF kinect is a hit, IF, then it will sustaine sales for years to come, much like the wii did.

The other key here is casuals, the wider audience, something the move won't achieve this holiday with a $400 price point.

am i not gettin it right possibly $149 arcade launching with kenict doesnt that mean you think its possible for a aracde with you said with kenict for $149


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