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Seece said:

I still find it most amusing BHR thinks PS3 and Sony can get away with dropping the price $200 in the space of 2 years, but Microsoft can't do $50 in the same time? Even though, the PS3 is only JUST now profitable, and the 360's been profitable for years.


Inside my pants you'll find them. You just need Kinect to loosen up my buttons baby!

In any case the Xbox 360 Elite @ $299 was almost certainly profitable so its more than covering the discount of the older models if the current Xbox 360 250GB is on the market for the old price of the Elite.

I suspect that pricing has as much to do with product availability for the next 6 months between Kinect and the Xbox 360 revision as it does the cost of actually making them. Theres no point in cutting the price if it just means bigger shortages so if they have 10M Xbox 360 S between now and the holidays you'll see a lower price than if they only have say 6M to ship and the same applies to Kinect.

My guess as to why they released the revision in June is that they want to cover the losses for the price cuts and so that by the time August rolls around they can announce the pricing without distorting the market or forcing them to make even bigger price cuts and they have more time to ramp up production. This is my timeline which is my best guess as to what will happen.

  • June: Introduce Xbox revision, cut price in the U.S.
  • July: Make the revision worldwide and continue to ramp production up with a price cut E.U and others.
  • August: Announce core Kinect games and the price at $79-99 as well as introduce/announce new Live features.
  • September: Introduce the Arcade revision at $149, cut the 250GB to $249
  • October: Announce the Kinect bundle price, my guess is $199 and $299
  • November: Kinect bundle release along with Kinect.
  • December: Profit!

So the price cuts and revision should keep the Xbox 360 sales high.
