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BHR-3 said:
Seece said:
Squilliam said:
BHR-3 said:

unfortunately for you squilliuam thats not the only thing changing wireless N and additional usb ports will be added now you right it wont have a huge effect like the 360S but its essensially a price drop 250gb are 349 now they will be 299 in the fall and stock of 120gb will drop to 249 to clear out the combo will be enough to outsell 360WW for the rest of the holidays this is all BHR-3 theory but lets not forget this stat gt5 every time a gt game has released past gens PS HW was higher than the previous year now ps3 sold close to13m all of last year what does that mean for this year

doesnt matter 360 has never sold more than 11m in a year and its been at $199 and was even cheaper in EU in 08 PS3 has already shown us close to 13m in year sold with a freaking 299 price tag  whats going to happen at 199$? it only a matter of time b4 ps3>360 WW and the data shows it and everyone will look back at this thread and have a big laugh at loud theres no reason for never to be capitalized in the title unless data shows that its 100% impossible that ps3 will pass 360 and if the thread creator did it for the posts guess what you dont get points for big threads anymore

Look at the differences in an objective manner:

Xbox 360 S:

  • No wireless vs wireless -> Noticeable improvement.
  • 25-50% percieved reduction in noise -> Noticeable improvement.
  • 0/20/60GB HDD vs 250GB -> Noticeable improvement for upgraders.
  • HDD transfer cable included -> Makes upgrading to new console EASY.
  • Losing much of the reliability stigma -> Noticeable improvement.
  • More USB ports -> Marginal

PS3 250GB revision @ $299

  • Wireless G -> N -> Marginal
  • More USB ports -> Marginal
  • Upgraded HDD side -> Marginal.

A temporary 17% reduction in price isn't a significant change. Its not going to make many people jump, especially given the fact that the console is already affordable.

One thing you're missing completely is the fact that the Xbox 360 sales have been consistant inspite a reduction in cost of only 33% for the Xbox 360 Arcade and only 25% for the top tier console. Sales have remained consistant throughout the years because Microsoft has been successful in increasing the value of the console to keep sales steady without relying on price cuts. Sales now are relatively the same compared to last year and yet the console hasn't had a price cut since late 2008.

Don't rely on past precedent, it'll only lead you astray. Chances are this year could be the peak year for the Xbox 360 considering its already pushing ahead of last years sales and setting itself up for a very strong Christmas. Yet past precedent says that a 2nd place console should NOT have its peak year in year 5.


I still find it most amusing BHR thinks PS3 and Sony can get away with dropping the price $200 in the space of 2 years, but Microsoft can't do $50 in the same time? Even though, the PS3 is only JUST now profitable, and the 360's been profitable for years.


again your pulling stuff from nowhere i never said 360 wont go to 149 249 this year i think it might not but its possible i simply said that this holiday wont be 360 dominate as most think b/c of recent 360 sales and gave my reasoning and that ps3 will pass 360 in 2011 worse case 2012

i also said that a 360s with kenict bundle wont be no where near 149 or 199 as you said seece

if the 250gb 360 goes to 249 and the new 250gb ps3 goes to 299 which i foresee happening with the ps3 then the prcie difference is only 50 factor in free blu ray and onlinei dont thin 50$ will sway many to buy a 360 over a ps3

then you got 360s arcade if that goes to 149 it will hurt sony but i think that when ms brings this console to this price this year sony will discontinue the 120gb to 249 to counter act things but the price difference will be 150 between 360s arcade and 250gb ps3 after 120gb stock run out but in 07 ps3 was able to outsell the 360 with a price difference of 130 so i dont think 360 will dominate this holiday as much as most are thinking in here

I've never said $149, I suggest you find a link to where I said that before you start spreading shit

Sony and Microsoft do not react at whim. Sony will ride out this holiday, they still have a good price point and move coming out.

IF Kinect is $99, big IF, a $249 bundle will be the lowest (because it's obvious a $149 360 will come), whilst I don't believe there will be a $199 bundle, I still think it's possible, if they sell Kinect at $99 making a profit.