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Jo21 said:
Seece said:
Jo21 said:

original xbox lost even more money. :p

we are in economy crisis, sony didn't have alost in 14 years and when they did was because they bought columbia

Actually you're wrong, original xbox lost $4.2 billion using these figures. PS3 has lost Sony $5 billion, and thats with the PS2 and PSP profiting, it's more than likely PS3 has lost around 6/7 $billion.

i read xbox total looses are up to total  7bm considering extended warranty was 1.2b with the 360

@squilliam because the original ps3 already had all those features. it simply more bang for the money.

add blu ray player, and ability to use any 2.5HDD, sony recently added a a way tranfer files without having to buy or get a tranfer cable. :D

Total losses on the first Xbox were - $4 billion, the had one profitable Q to my knowlegde, but no profitable fiscal years.

Total losses for the 360 reached $3 billion, this includes the $1 billion RROD payout as can be seen in fiscal year 07/08.

Total Profit for the 360 now stands at $1.4 billion, that leaves $1.6 billion left for Microsoft to make a profit on the Xbox 360.

IF Microsoft continue actively trying to profit as they have been doing over the last 3 years, the 360 will be a profitable venture for Microsoft by the end of Fiscal year 2011, then they'll start eating into the losses from the original Xbox.