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Seece said:
Jo21 said:
Mr Puggsly said:
kowenicki said:
Mr Puggsly said:
kowenicki said:

oops... wrong again huh?

so.. MS is sitting on $5.8Bn losses... which they can pretty much afford as it represents about 1/3 of their annual profits

Sony (despite their gaming dominance over the years) is sitting on cumulative losses of around $2bn.  

those two numbers will move closer togtehr over the next 2 years too.

Am I reading this chart right?

It seems the 360 could potentially be profitable by the end of this gen.

While Sony lost all the profits from the PS2 and then some.

You are reading it correctly...  and whats more MS will post a bigger profit this FY than Playstation ever managed in a single year.


I knew the PS3 was a huge financial failure... but this is unbelieveable.

To make matters worse, Sony isn't done losing money yet.

original xbox lost even more money. :p

we are in economy crisis, sony didn't have alost in 14 years and when they did was because they bought columbia

Actually you're wrong, original xbox lost $4.2 billion using these figures. PS3 has lost Sony $5 billion, and thats with the PS2 and PSP profiting, it's more than likely PS3 has lost around 6/7 $billion.

i read xbox total looses are up to total  7bm considering extended warranty was 1.2b with the 360

@squilliam because the original ps3 already had all those features. it simply more bang for the money.

add blu ray player, and ability to use any 2.5HDD, sony recently added a a way tranfer files without having to buy or get a tranfer cable. :D

i think 360 already peaked, unless kinect starts doing everything it does in the introduction video perfectly, and hyped like the iphone (which sales are just in normal with phones like n95). most game are sequels, of games already in the console. software wise they will do awesome.

gears especially but that will release in 2011, and it wont move hardware.