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kowenicki said:
psrock said:
oldschoolfool said:
kowenicki said:
oldschoolfool said:
Fumanchu said:
psrock said:
DirtyP2002 said:

Come on, VGC is a page about sales.

NOW psrock is like: sales don't matter.

If so, why did you make more than 8000 posts on this page? VGC got bigger with reviews, previews, hands on etc etc but the core is about the sales.


This Generation is already set : Wii, 360, PS3, That's order and that's the way it's going to end. I have accepted this a long time ago.

That's what I said. zing!!!!!!!!!!

"who cares".... and yet.... 


I did'nt make that thread,so what's your point. lol

He's attacking me. But which is funny because I was helping Selnor who is banned finish something he started.

dont be so paranoid. I'm not attacking you.

I am illustrating that your "who cares" stance only applies to negative sony data and not to positive sony data. 

would you be "helping" selnor if it was coming out the other way?  doubt it... seriously doubt it.

positive Sony data?

You lost me there. I am not you. I don't support blindly because of the company. I have ranted many times on Sony for their lack of competitiveness.Their failure to support the PSP. How they have lost touch with what consumers want.  Look at the weekly sales for this week, I congratulated MS on a job well done. I think very highly of MS and avoid bashing them any chance I get like you do with Sony. Don't compare me to you, we have very different records in this site.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)