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Fumanchu said:
psrock said:
DirtyP2002 said:

Come on, VGC is a page about sales.

NOW psrock is like: sales don't matter.

If so, why did you make more than 8000 posts on this page? VGC got bigger with reviews, previews, hands on etc etc but the core is about the sales.

I did not say sales doesn't matter, I am saying we need to move on from the same disscussion we've been having for years now.

I'm bored by the whole 360 VS PS3 talk. The same threads, same post, same thing over and over again.The site has already killed the best parts of what makes it fun, now I have to deal with fanboys war almost at a daily basis.

This is my view:

This Generation is already set : Wii, 360, PS3, That's order and that's the way it's going to end. I have accepted this a long time ago.

You know what makes these threads so big? All the people choosing to enter them to scream "who cares?" This is not the same dicussion as in the past because people are dicussing current market trends with current sales figures, as provided by this site in the 'Sales Dicussions'.  There's absolutely nothing stopping you from choosing to ignore them in a blissful ignorance in all the other forums here.  If you're so bitter and bored why don't you go somewhere else. 

I've gone somewhere else. Don't worry about it. I don't post nearly as often, but I still have fond memories and come here because this site offers things no othere sites do which I enjoy. I will still come by from time to times if you allow me.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)