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thismeintiel said:
Mr Puggsly said:
M.U.G.E.N said:

ps3 doomed? again? :S man that sounds familiar

I still say its doomed. I mean just bearing in mind its a horrible financial failure.

Well, if you're going to go with that as the standard for what a doomed console is, then I guess the 360 is doomed, as well.  It still hasn't come close to making back the billions lost from the original X-Box or the billions lost from its own first years of being on the market.  So far, the X-Box brand has yet to be profitable.  Something that has led some of MS's investors to cry out for them to drop out of the console market and put more focus on maintaining its OS marketshare.  If Kinect proves not to be the success MS hoping for, you can expect to hear more investors crying out for the same thing.

At least on a positive for Sony, the Playstation brand, as a whole, has still remained profitable. 

No actually, PS3's nearly wiped out all the profits from PS1, PS2 and PSP combined.  Not quite, but another year or two of losses, and we might be there.

360 won't ever manage to make the whole Xbox project profitable (though that's more clouded due to Zune and other loss leading products being in the division), but 360 on it's own will likely be profitable by the time this generation ends.  Same can't really be said for PS3.


edit: lol, I'm late as usual.  Looks like this ground has already been well treaded in the thread. <3