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A lot of this is problem from personal responsibility.

There just many repercusion that doesn't match up with the "crime".

If you kill 1 person, you go to jail for 2 years and come back out to join the world to cause more damage. Meanwhile, the dead person... the family and friends of the victim...

If you indirectly kill or cause incredible damage to millions of people, you get to keep your job and get bailed out by the victims' money.

On the other end of the spectrum. You get the goverment raising the kids for you. You're not allow to smack your kid senseless for their stupidity to teach it what's right/wrong.

You can even talk to a kid without fearing people screaming pedophile at you.

And then you have these trusted "fathers" that are the real pedophiles and are protected by the Church.

And if you try to confront the parents about what the do, such as vandalism, they'd tell you to piss off and mind your own business. Why aren't parents required to foot the repair bills by law?