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June is going to have a huge gap in comparison.  July will more then likely be the last month for the huge difference...August is the next month I expect the sales to even be close again...and thats close with the 360 still selling more units.

Thats a lot of Green on Seece's post.  Not that it is exactly impossible, but it is exteremely unlikely PS3 will outsell 360 by the end of the least in the US.  when you look at ww numbers there is a much better chance PS3 may possibly end up taking that.

One may argue that both the move and Kinect are a little disapointing in their own respect...Move being complete Wii rip-off and Kinect will more then likely have lag issues.  But I do see Kinect end up selling more units then the move.  Simply, because the Kinect is a complete new was to play a full retail versions of a game with a unique experience.

And please don't bring up eye toy or XBL vision camera.  Neither of those were any good.  PS Move just seems more complicated for the average gamer.  you can need up to 3 different pieces of hardware to make a game work.  While Kinect all you need is the Kinect.

Just strictly my opinion.  I will own both the PS3 (this holiday) and I do already own the 360 (new sleek design) I am not trolling here, but just stating my opinion. Both systems are really good and both have there flaws, but right now it seems 360 is gaining momentum heading in to a huge holiday season.