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Squilliam said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
Squilliam said:

No, I think it can be sold for more than $5.7B Because the last $312M profit wasn't accounted for and this quarter will probably give them about $100M profit overall so that link will read very differently in less than 30 days.


MS in total have made a loss of $9.5billion and recovered only around $300m last year which brings it down to $9.2 billion loss

fisical year 2009-2010 has not taken into consideration

those neogaf figure are not correct.i have seen a  bigger list


so now we have $9.2billion substract profit from FY09-10

so $5.7b will not fetch them a profit on XBOX


also nobody would pay even $5.7BILLION to MS because of the following:

console business requires alot of  investment

the brand has to be relaunched every 5-6 years

also alot os XBOX hardcore fanbase is because of MS itself,so some fans will stop buying it

XBOX brand is not succesful even after spending so much as they are still fighting for 2nd place and nowhere near 1st

XBOX 720 would lose again if PS4,Wii2 drops at $299 OR something around that


better answer than just 'NO'?

and what exactly that you disagree with?