ilovetogame said:
here's what i have. whoever is interested just give me some offers.
All cd/dvd games are the disc only, I don’t have the cases they came in anymore.
atari: Atari 2600 system w/ hookups 1 controller
pitfall riddle of the sphinx Demon attack Zaxxon Golf Bridge Shootin’ gallery Pole position Frogger E.T. Starmaster Video Olympics Asteroids Space invaders Skiing Combat International soccer Star raiders Defender Star voyager Laser blast
nes: nintendo system with a new pin connector w/ hookups two additional nintendo systems with original pin connectors in them (don’t work too well, I assume they just need new pin connectors) w/ hookups for only one of these two systems 5 controllers nes advantage controller light gun
mario bros. super mario bros. super mario bros. 2 super mario bros. 3 (2 copies) tetris (2 copies, one is the Tengen version) contra super C punchout the legend of zelda metroid ice hockey dr. mario marble madness battletoads rc pro am baseball stars basewars castlevania 2 simon's quest bionic commando wwf wrestlemania ninja gaiden ninja gaiden 2 mega man mega man 3 kung fu final fantasy metal gear dragon warrior super off road excitebike tmnt tmnt 2 the arcade game double dragon double dragon 2 iron tank bases loaded bases loaded 2 twin cobra blaster master xexyz blades of steel rescue rangers captain skyhawk rad racer paper boy golf tennis nes play action football ring king magmax guerrilla wars kung fu heroes the battle of olympus gotcha double dribble golf freedom force (2 copies) festers quest faxandu viper batman rescue the embassy mission baseball ironsword narc bill and ted's excellent video game adventures bad dudes t & c surf designs skate or die fighting golf top gun tiger heli 10 yard fight karate kid super pitfall mgs 2: snake's revenge super sprint bible adventures
snes: super nintendo system w/ hookups 2 controllers super link multiplayer add-on
super gameboy cartridge donkey kong country donkey kong country 2 super mario world yoshi's island adventures of mighty max super baseball 2020 nba all star challenge nba live 95 super tennis madden 95 madden 96 final fight batman returns captain america and the avengers wwf raw mortal kombat 2 mortal kombat 3 tmnt tournament fighters street fighter 2 turbo killer instinct prince of persia zelda a link to the past (the saving is messed up so it seems to auto erase save files after a day or two) super metroid mega man x actraiser 2 super star wars super empire strikes back starfox super bomberman 2 gradius 3 super r-type axelay f-zero super mario kart breath of fire soul blazer super mario rpg secret of mana chrono trigger (2 copies, 1 copy has the original box and booklet and 2 posters/maps that came with it) final fantasy 2 (2 copies, one copy has a map with it) final fantasy 3 (the original box, booklet, and a somewhat torn map of the world of balance and world of ruin)
3DO: 3DO system w/ hookups (using an s-video cable instead of a/v cord or rf switch) 2 controllers
return fire crash n' burn wolfenstein 3D the incredible machine shock wave shock wave operation jumpgate shockwave 2 (only the first disc) pataank hell total eclipse the horde the daedalus encounter slayer
dreamcast: dreamcast system w/ hookups 2 controllers 2 vmu memory packs
world series baseball 2k2 nhl 2k nhl 2k2 nfl 2k2 "generator" cd with demos that came with the system shenmue virtua tennis marvel vs. campcom toy commander two bootlegged games with a boot up cd that you have to put in before you put the game discs in. games are hydro thunder and gauntlet legends
ps1: 1 controller
final fantasy 7 (original version, not greatest hits) final fantasy 8 final fantasy 9 final fantasy origins final fantasy anthology chrono cross legend of dragoon syphon filter tomb raider dino crisis metal gear solid battle arena toshinden road rash contra legacy of war driver army men 3D tekken 3
ps2: tales of legendia kingdom hearts metal gear solid 2 lord of the rings: two towers fifa soccer 03 ncaa football 04 ncaa march madness 03 jak 3 dynasty warriors 3 half life suikoden tactics sega genesis collection timesplitters 2
gamecube: 4 controllers (including one wavebird) Two memory cards (one of the original 59 block cards, and a 251 block card)
Eternal darkness Fire emblem: path of radiance Zelda wind waker lord of the rings: the return of the king super mario sunshine super smash bros. melee viewtiful joe pikmin skies of arcadia legends tales of symphonia battalion wars f-zero gx mario kart double dash ikaruga rogue squadron 2: rogue leader rogue squadron 3: rebel strike metroid prime metroid prime 2 aggressive inline tony hawk 3 resident evil killer 7
xbox: 1 s controller
xmen legends 2 star wars knight of the old republic fable jade empire star wars battlefront 2 halo halo 2 (two copies, one is still in the original case with booklet) splinter cell crimson skies manhunt panzer dragoon orta dead to rights medal of honor frontline conker live and reloaded prince of persia sands of time half life 2 burnout 3 ninja gaiden
wii: Zelda twilight princess resident evil 4 super mario galaxy super Mario galaxy 2 (with game case and booklet) mario strikers charged zack and wiki link's crossbow trainer (without the stupid gun attachment) mario kart wii (with wii wheel) madden 09
game boy: original gameboy (i mean original big gameboy, none of that pocket nonsense. although the screen is messed up so you can only see like 2/3 of the screen. maybe someone likes to try to fix stuff)
nemesis pokemon red mega man 4 turtles 3: radical rescue marble madness dr. Mario operation C king of the ring f-1 race wwf superstars world cup all-star challenge 2 spiderman 2 donkey kong final fantasy legend 3
game boy advance: gameboy advance system w/ light attachment
super mario world lord of the rings: the two towers harry potter harry potter and the chamber of secrets frogger’s adventures monsters inc. tony hawk 2
you really need to get a ps3 that will re-ignite your love for gaming, or you can troll my profile for as long as you want to
also legend of dragoon, how much for that I always wanted to try it out and never got around to it, also is it ntsc or pal??