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Selnor, two important things you ought to take into consideration regarding the potential of Forza w/ Kinect:

1) Firstly, there is no way Turn 10 have the time to recreate the mechanical interiors for several hundred cars in 1:1 detail so as to allow someone to perform repairs or upgrades by virtually lifting the hood and fiddling in micro-detail with valves and what not. It would take decades to program.

2) Secondly, have much of an attraction do you really think the ability to be a mechanic is to gamers? The racing genre is the least popular it's been for years, and you want Turn 10 to build a feature that will appeal to an even smaller sub-niche of car-enthusiast gamers? Even those qualified to actually work on cars (i.e. real-life mechanics)... do you seriously expect they're going to come home from working in a garage all day and then want to spend their evening in a virtual garage rather than actually racing? It's farcical.