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Carl2291 said:
Seece said:
Carl2291 said:

No. It's not stupid at all. You just think it is.

The PSP is profiting. And it's still selling really well after 5 1/2 years on the market. It's just having TERRIBLE sales in a single region, and as you say... Bad software sales in 2 regions.

 And it must be selling enough SW to make it worthwhile, as they keep announcing more and more games for it every year... And 3rd parties are still supporting it. That, and we have no idea how much money is being made through games sold on PSN.

All it needs is a pricecut (when was the last time it actually had one?) and/or another redesign. It will be back to selling well again. Sony are just dumb, and lost focus on the thing all together for a year or two.

Carl, I said this was stupid "Not while it's still outselling the Wii, the PS3 and the 360 in a region." You can't base how well a console is doing just by what other consoles it's beating in a region, when all the consoles you mentioned in that region are doing bad as well. It IS a stupid thing to say.

The rest of what you said, I didn't call stupid, and I agree with some of it. Like always though you're painting it in the best light possible, do you honestly think everytime they redesign the console and give it a price cut sales are going to jump massively to where they were before? it's 6 years old and it doesn't have anything like Kinect coming out. If the 3DS comes out in the west this xmas, that's going to spell serious problems for the PSP.

Fair enough, apologies. But still, i don't think it's stupid at all. Even if they decide to stop selling them in America, they could keep it alive in Japan for a decent amount of time yet IMO. It gets loads of SW released over there... And it makes profit. It's not stupid at all. It would be stupid to kill it now, actually.

No. And i never said that. It will no way sell as well as it has done in previous years... But it will definately give sales a helping hand for at least a short while.

As for the 3DS, i actually think it will harm the DS line more than it will harm the PSP... Depending on how it's priced, and how the DS line is also priced post-3DS release.

If it keeps the 3DS name, I think the general public will likely think it's just the next version of DS. DSi/XL sales will drop... And the big focus will be on 3DS. Not DSi. Especially if it has games like 2D Mario, Brain Training and so on to go along with Nintendogs 2.

Yes. It will harm the PSP. But i don't think it will harm it THAT much that it will need to die. With the games lined up for later this year, I think Sony will give it one final big push before the PSP2/Phone/Whatever releases next year.

And I agree, I don't think PSP needs to be discontinued yet.

I don't think the public are as dense as you make out, word of mouth has worked wonders for Nintendo's systems, I expect no less from the 3DS, IF it lives up to the hype, and turns out to be a decent product with no hiccups, the worlds it's oyster, it'll affect ALL handhelds in Japan, DS range and PSP. Right now all Sony can really do is a PSP2.