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I've seen people arguing about morals, and I have one thing to say. Humans seem to change their morals to make themselves look good and to fit their own twisted realities.

For Example:

Americans condemn the Holocaust, but barely a hundred years before they committed mass genocide on my people, The Cherokee. 

Morals only exist when we want them too. At all other times, we're nothing more than savage beasts.


My argument for evolution is simple, just look at genetics. My mother is Cherokee, and my father is Cherokee and half Irish. I have many of the characteristics of a Cherokee, such as a weak immune system to European diseases, but with the light skin of an Irishman. My father on the other hand is very dark-skinned (he has been mistaken for African-American), but bears the physical features of an Irishman. 

This in and of itself is proof of evolution. My family has "evolved" in only two generation. If I married my current girlfriend (she's half Asian and half Mexican) and had children with her, they would "evolve" even more. They might have the typical Asian eyes and hair, but with the build of a Cherokee (Asians and Native Americans are rather similar in many ways already, especially if you believe, like I do, that we migrated over an ice bridge). Or perhaps they will inherit my Irish genes, and have a Northern European build.

Is my family line getting any "better?" Not really, but they are "evolving." If my genes entered the gene pool, how might they effect generations to come? My genes alone might have drastic consequences. On the other hand, if I never had children, my line would die out. My parents have no other children, and their genes would be lost forever.


In summary, evolution is happening all around us, and it's happening faster than ever. Within 500 years, the concept of race will be a thing of the past, as we will all be mixed together. This is certainly an evolution.