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so stupid, does sony know nothing?

first as many said don't dish out what you can't recieve

Second what the hell are they supposed to do?  They make something that shows stuff in 3D and its UNIQUE feature is that no glasses are needed.  Are they supposed ot not mention their UNIQUE SELLING POINT in order to not hurt someones feelings?

third: no shit 3DS isn't home entertainment disruption.  You can't get that home theatreness from the 3DS, but irregardless of its market the technology is shown to consumers that glasses aren't needed and with the current economy, the fact that most people recently just upgraded a tv, why in the hell would they go out and buy a 3D glasses tv so early when as said they might not have money to do so, they just spent a lot to upgrade to HDTV and also with 3DS they are under impression that sooner or later glasses won't be needed.

its freckin simple, how don't you guys get it. 

Oh and lastly, looking goofy?  ha like that matters at all. I'm thinking of everyday here where i'm sitting down watching a sitcom, sports or cooking channel who knows.  Or I'm walking around doing stuff, folding clothes, dishes, cooking, just chilling with family/friends.  This can be having TV on as main focus or background half watching for hours every  day.  And now i'm going to be expected to wear glasses INSIDE pretty much at all times?  Now 3D with glasses may be great for a new movie watching with no one talking, playing a game alone or something but for having to wear glasses is the hugest turn off ever.  I just feel like if I came home I would be then in glasses for most the night then.  Or shoudl i just watch tv in 2D?  Then why do i need a 3D tv if i'm not using that feature except for a movie once a month or something?