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sethnintendo said:

They just don't want their 3d tv that require glasses to be dissed.  They want to sell people those tvs first even though 3d tvs that don't require glasses will come out probably within a year.  A lot less people would buy the first 3d tvs that require glasses.  They just want to sell required glasses first then come out with ones that don't require glasses (to try and get people to rebuy another).  I hope no one buys 3d tvs that require glasses.  Glasses suck period - can cause headaches, don't fit right, people with glasses don't want to put another pair of glasses on, etc...  Wait for ones that don't require glasses.

don't you think the big electronic companies all know that's not even remotely possible right now without it being insanely expensive!, glassless 3D is so more expensive if you think 3D with glasses is expensive the Glassless option is way more than that!

it's more than 5 year's away in most case and that's being generous

'3D Without Glasses' Tech Improving, But Needs Work.

"I wish I could say I thought glasses-free 3D TVs were around the corner, but based on the demos here they still look to be a long way off. But we will see smaller such displays in products this year; and I'll be curious to know whether this turns out to be a compelling feature.",2817,2364240,00.asp


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.