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cdude1034 said:

I found this comment on Digg:

" Just make sure you know what he's after before you vote for him.
He wants to ban abortion, and he also wants to repeal the income tax. In other words, the rich get richer, and the poor will suffer. We will also have plenty of unwanted children being raised -- or not -- by resentful and indifferent mothers who were browbeaten into having them (just don't look to these guys to help support them, welfare queens!).
Just because it's unpleasant doesn't mean 'making it go away' will work.

Removing oversight in our corporatocracy is a bad idea too, bottom line.

If you want to vote for him, go to, but make sure you're actually informed and not just following others around; honesty is not a given in any medium today, most especially the internet."


The bottom line is, this guy is nucking futs.

Even though he doesn't outright say he wants to ban abortion, he does say he wants to delegate the decision to the states, which would then ban it outright, especially in the South. Taking away of Civil Rights is a bad thing guys :-

He wants to get rid of the Fed! You know, the people regulating our currency? Whatever. Luckily he's nothing more than a fad.

This guy has had to have spent LOADS on a viral campaign by now, judging by the insane amount of Ron Paul shit I've seen all over the streets and the internet. You know they're all posted by the same 4 guys...

Yes he's likable, and yes he may be a great guy, but his ideologies are absolutely ridiculous. I'd rather ote for Romney...If I was republican.

 People don't understand that he's a constitutionalist. Yes, his personal opinion is that he doesn't like abortion. What you all fail to realize though, is that he wants to delegate it to the states, not because he's against it per se, but because the 10th amendment delegates those decisions to individual states, not the federal government.