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kn said:
dpmnymkrprez said:
kn said:
I'm looking for the same thing -- coop on the SAME computer. I know there is a lot of co-op online on the 360, but I don't want to do it online, I want to play with others in my household.

looks like we are alone, and there arent too many co-ops out there, do you agree with me thougth, that companies would make more money with co-ops, think about how cool RE4 would be as a co-op????

 I guess the days of great co-ops is dead.  Split screen or same screen, I don't care -- I just want to play with friends on the same machine.  Contra 3 co-op ruled on the SNES.

If you have a PS2, the co-op in Lord of the Rings, ROTK is pretty good, if you are into hack-n-slash action rpgs.  X men legends is OK, but it gets repetitive pretty quick.  Marvel UA isn't too bad -- worth a look.  Dynasty warriors 4 is kind of cool if you don't mind some fairly heavy button mashing. (that goes the same for the samurai warriors games).

But you see, you agree with me, alot of people agree, so my question.WHY ARENT DEVELOPERS LISTENING, I THINK THEY WOULD MAKE A BUNDLE.just take time to make a long game using all the memory available for great replay value and it will sell!!!