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selnor said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
selnor said:
zero129 said:
welshbloke said:
selnor said:
EncodedNybble said:

I would like to wager money, but can't actually ;)  So, what are the usual wagers on here, I put up a particular signature for a set period of time?

Sounds good. I realise now that 6 months is a long time. And that even 1 sale makes me lose. ROFL.

But I wont back out. I'm a man. :)

Being a man does not make this wager a fair one. He changed the rules on you. 1 week sales does not maketh a comeback. I would haggle for something a little bit more realistic as you will be hammered by the slightlest glitch but you point will still be valid.

Yep if i was you id keep to the bet that 360 total sales for the next 6 months will be above ps3, and 1 week of sales etc does not count but total sales, of every month from now till the end of the year.

Yeah lol. I know it's a lose for me. GT5 week should do it, unless Kinect release is then. Then I think 360 will stay on top. But hey, it's only fun. As long as the bet doesnt include changing my Lewis pic. ;)

i hate that lewis image as i don't like lewis or his smile

MASSA,ALONE the way to go

anybody betting SELNOR make that change

LOL. I like the kid. Obviously for his talent. Alonso to. I wont say much about sports personalities. Because to me thats a sad thing. None of us know them personally, and thats like judging a book by the cover. His smile is opinion I guess. 

But if you love the sport you cant deny Lewis is a very talented man.

i follow formaula 1 alot si i know

anyways i don't like people with a grin and his smile kind of looks like it


for a talent standpoint,he is talented


but i don't like the guy

as he is only good with a great car,not a skilled driver like ALONSO,VETTEL.more like KIMI where you give him a good car and he will win the race

also he drives rash,people say thats because he is BRAVE but thats bullshit when going into a corner he doesn't back off and makes the other one does,if the other one holds his ground,then LEWIS spoils both driver's race by crashing into the other car


about changing your pic


i didn't like LEWIS and your older posts near FORZA3-ALAN WAKE period biased threads claiming "best looking graphics ever" and that title made you more negative.but now you have cooled down


but anyways i would want to see a better pic and continue your posts like they are now