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Guys, I understand you are excited by these 360 numbers, but really?  You're acting like sales for 360 are going to skyrocket in all regions (except maybe Japan) because of this redesign.  What made the PS3 Slim so big was not only the design, but the drop to $299, a price many were finally willing to pay for it.  What we have here is previous owners looking to upgrade, initial excitement over the new design, and sales normally brought by a minor pricecut.  The problem is, price hasn't been the 360's problem since the Arcade released for $199.  In other words, these sales will not continue for months on end.  The pent-up demand just isn't there. 

And people actually think the 360 will outsell the PS3 till the end of the year?  Come on.  Let's be realistic here.  The old Elite and Arcade have already gotten price-cuts everywhere if I'm not mistaken.  Plus, the new Slim just launched in America, it's strongest region.  The first week or two is when most people are going to be upgrading, and when any craze to buy it, if any, will happen.  And yet, it was only able to outsell the PS3 by ~ 44K WW.  A system who's price-cut/Slim craze has already died off, and has had no huge exclusive release of late.

Again, it's fine to be excited by these numbers, but let's not start blowing this out of proportion.  Heaven help this site when the PS3 hits $249.  Or $199.