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According to reports on IGNShuhei Yoshida (the president of Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios) has said that the company is at last making a profit on every PlayStation 3 sold. "This year is the first time that we are able to cover the cost of the PlayStation 3," Yoshida announced. He clarified that "we aren't making huge money from hardware, but we aren't bleeding like we used to."

This is big news for Sony, as the company should finally be able to turn a substantial profit with the PlayStation 3. It is estimated that the PlayStation 3 has accounted for losses of $4-7 billion since release in late 2006 (though some of these costs are attributable to pre-release research and development work). The newly profitable PS3 can be attributed to the release of a new model in May 2010, which sports a smaller (and subsequently more cost-effective) graphics chip.

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Interesting stuff! It's about time that Sony started making some profit on hardware.