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kowenicki said:

Some PS3 fans need to get a reality check...

The PS3 is now down to 119k... this when one (incredibly) thought it would never drop below 250k again and some more voiced staying above 200k was possible.   Even sensible fans would have not believed a drop to 119k possible.

The PS3 is currently only tracking up by 20% on 2009, this means a massive drop off soon.

If the current trend continues then by the end of August it will be around 1.6m up on 2009.  1m of this will evaporate during September and October... at least.  I dont think the PS3 performance this year is as good as some think.




doesnt the chart you just posted show its tracking nearly 40% above 2009 figures? I know it will even out a bit simply based on the Slim launch last year, but how can you track the future sales in those months at this pricepoint?