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kowenicki said:
EncodedNybble said:
mundus6 said:
EncodedNybble said:

I predict that PS3 will overtake 360 sales again WW by August.  Just my prediction.  I expected more from the price cut and slim (though I know supply will be an issue).  Maybe I'll be served some crow later, who knows.  That's my prediction anyway.  :)

How can you be expecting more when its only out in 1 region and its sold out pretty much everywhere?

Pretty simple really.  I set an expectation based on the 1 region and the price cuts.  The sales didn't meet that expectation thus "I expected more."  I thought it was pretty straight forward.

what did you expect and what do you expect going forward (next 4 weeks say)?  specifically.

I expected 200k this past week for 360 sales based on I expected about 250k-ish from America but also factored in the fact that it wasn't a complete week (I think) and potential supply issues.  Being down 20% from my prediction isn't close enough for me to say it met my expecations.


Next 3 weeks I expected (I am adjusting my expectations here based on this week's sales), 150k, 130k and 170k which would bring us up to the EMEAA slim launch (with a couple of days there at the end of the last week).


Perhaps I expected too much (I was counting on a lot of trade ins) and I might be wrong going forward.  Who knows, we'll see.  *Shrug*