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Reasonable said:

Squill loves to play devil's advocate so there's no point arguing he'll just keep you dancing.

Besides, he's right as such.  I agree in principle that MS did way overhype Kinect's possibilities, particularly prior to this year's E3, where things got dialed back a bit closer to launch, but no actual charge of false advertising would ever stick and they know this.

They played within the rules of the game - even if I personally disagree with those rules I have to accept MS stuck to them.

You'll notice the closer to launch the less you'll see of 'possible future capabilities' and a lot more about Kinect will be like at launch.


But yes, they aren't delivering quite what everyone was expecting with the E3 2009 announcement and indeed the specifications of the unit have been pared back significantly since then with lower resolution cameras, lower frame-rate, no onboard processing etc. It was probably for the best in the end but it does mean that the unit in 2009 was more physically capable than the unit in 2010 even if the software has improved significantly since then.

I still don't think its worth gathering up steam over. Its a fact of life for anyone who looks to the future for news and information on anything technological that disapointment is the stock of the trade. History is littered with thousands of examples of things which sounded good on paper which didn't quite pan out. What im surprised about is why anyone would be surprised!

Its a much saner existance to simply wait for things to become mainstream before adopting them. Marketers love early adopters but scientists also love guinea pigs for about the same reason. Most people will simply be unaware of that video so they won't exactly pick up their Kinect 6 months after launch with the idea of sitting down to use it to play games. The people who are aware of it ought to also be aware that the stock of the early adopter trade is usually disapointment or delay. 
