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richardhutnik said:
kergeten said:
sapphi_snake said:

I was going by the Eurobarometer poll results. I was wrong though, Turkey and Malta are more religious than Romania, though Romania is still more religious than every European country except those two (and the Vatican of course). And the Romanian Orthodox Church colaborated with the Security (basically the romanian version of the KGB). The other religious cults were persecuted (for example my Catholic great grandmother was forced to convert to eastern orthodoxism because of the government).


Romania more secular than the USA? Lol, hilarious and very false. Does part of the tax money you pay automatically go  to the Chruch in the USA? I think not.

I was referring to the people's mentality, and while the government does have that law it's doesn't do half the shit republicans do in America in the name of religion. Like banning stem cell research, abstinence programs, national prayer day etc.

On the issue of stem cell research (here we go causing this thread to spawn on many more pages): There is NO ban on stem cell research.  What the Bush administration did was refuse to fund EMBRYONIC stem cell research.  There was no issue with general stem cell research  (see this article on a person taking stem cells from their own eye that are healthy, to be able to cure their blindness: ).  The issue was with embryonic stem cell.  So, you personally believe that since abortion is legal now, and a right, we should be able to harvest all those embryos that were disposed off in abortions in order to find cures for things?  What happens if cures are found?  You don't believe corporations would then pay women to impregnant them and then have abortions, so that they could sell what they harvest?

Ok, onto abstinence programs: You want there to be a society which teaches kids that they aren't able to abstain from sex, because it is too hard to do so?  And another part here is that we are supposed to NOT trust parents with their kids, and how they raise them.  We all know that teens can't say no to sex, so we have to equip them to have sex.  Maybe we should also offer them gun training to, so that they can use a handgun without being able to hurt others.  Since teen gun ownerships and shootings is a problem, and they could hurt themselves from misusing guns, the key is to teach them to use guns.  And schools should do this despite what the parents want.  After all, parents are stupid anyhow, and know less that school officials in ALL areas.

There was a call to end this thread.  If people want to continue, go ahead.  It has little or nothing to do with what the Christian faith is about though.

The fact that you think sex ed teaches kids that they aren't able to abstain from sex shows how little you understand sex ed in the first place. Then again you probably have some twisted views regarding sex so I shouldn't be surprised.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"
