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JamaicameCRAZY said:

 Your still not answering my questions. And im sorry its unreasonable to think that it can actually do something its advertised. I know that kinect will progress and be able to do great things after they work on it for awhile. I am not saying it should be able to do everything that it can ever do right out of the box without the games to impliment them even been created yet. However it should be able to do what they say it can right out of the box because that is what your saying it can do, if you haven't figured out how to do the crap you say it can do then IT CANT DO THEM and should'nt be advertised. It's not like the adverts are saying in time it can do this or eventually, they are acting like it can and will. To top it all off it's illegal.

"Every consumer has the legal right to receive truthful information about any products or services they wish to purchase without being deceived or misled by advertisers. Under federal and state laws, making false, misleading, and/or deceptive claims about the quality, nature, price, or purpose of any products or services is illegal.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the main federal agency that regulates false and misleading advertising practices, requires all advertisements to be truthful, fair, and non-deceptive. Furthermore, all advertisers must have proof to support their claims made in advertisements. "



 Are you seriously saying that its ok to do things like that?  So games that don't work for crap are ok to be released as long as the company eventually gets around to patching it so it can. What if the 3ds comes out and it doesn't do 3d, thats ok as long as the eventually make it so it can? That's not ok at all.

The problems it has is not crazy big, so i just want to let you know it's not some HUGE thing i care about. Its really just the principal of the matter and just wanting you to see and admit that it's not ok. Because if it was Sony doing this i know you'd be all over them.


You can't prove false advertisement on say for instance the sitting down and racing portion of that advertisement until they actually release a racing game and its proved that the interface doesn't work as advertised. No racing game? Then obviously you can't prove that they lied. Technically its only false advertising if they release a racing game and it sucks.

Thats the principle of the matter.
