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richardhutnik said:
Slimebeast said:
richardhutnik said:

There was a call to end this thread.  If people want to continue, go ahead.  It has little or nothing to do with what the Christian faith is about though.

What do u mean a call to end this thread? No, it's a good thread and you're doing very well explaining the Christian view, richard. Keep up the good job.

It is increasingly NOT about Christianity, and there is an excess amount of issues that need to be laid out, in order to answer the question about what involves the Christian faith.  What I saw in this thread is a mix of ridicule of the Christian faith, and individuals on the evangelical side, who want to try to convert people to be Christians in it. 

I will also say, if I am one of the top people to get into the Christian faith on here, this thread has problems.  For answers to the Christian faith, it is a lot better to go elsewhere on the web for that, and ask people who know more.

I agree with the above post... although there will always be different interpretations and beliefs, even among experts.

I will say this though: 

Believing that being a good person and doing the right thing will eventually get you into heaven is a dark road.  You have to truly believe that Jesus died for everyone, because he loves us all, and only through his blood are we saved.  If you really believe in Him, then you will want to do good things.

I can't remember who brought it up, but someone said something about how Christianity goes against their personal values...  Those would be "worldly" values in the eyes of a Christian, lies created by Satan to trick you into not believing the Truth.  Believe what you will, my job as a Christian is to spread the Truth to those who will listen, not to "convert" people to Christianity.  No Christian is called to actually convert people, they are called to spread the Truth.  This reality has been twisted by so many... and many feel that they must make others be Christian to get to heaven, and this is simply false.  You speak the Truth so that as many people as possible have a chance to hear it and in fear of the lives of those who have not accepted it.  In the end though... it is a choice made by every individual person:  to listen or ignore.