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Viper1 said:
infamous23 said:

    they demonstrate that they don't really have an interest in the Wii being a be all end all console for the traditional gamer like the Playstation 2 was.

It's not supposed to be.  The Wii was a means to expand beyond the traditional gamer to reach places the PS2 tried to but didn't quite grab.

But you also fail to notice the problem is 3rd parties more so than Nintendo.  Nintendo first party has put out more traditional games at this point in the generation for Wii than they did for GC.  Like at this E3, for instance, while they showed Mario Sports Mix (incidently being developed by Square Enix, not Nintendo) and Wii Party, they also showed a new Zelda, Metroid: Other M, Donkey Kong Country Returns and Kirby's Epic Yarn.  That's quite balanced.   Now outside of Sega, you won't find ar 3rd party with equal balance for Wii.

But thankfully it looks like they learned their lesson and will support 3DS much better from the beginning.


Still, we haven't seen Nintendo's first party Uncharted or Gears of War yet this gen.  And Nintendo's continual creation of and hyping of games like Wii Party, etc, makes those the most noticecable games on the platform.  Hence it increases the visibilty of those games on the platform meaning that the people that are interested in that type of game will be the Wii's primary audience and more people will continue be interested in those types of games on Wii than other types of games.

I would buy a Wii if it had games like the Final Fantasies, God of Wars, and Personas, but I've little use for Carnival Games 2 and Wii Sports Clone 35.

And, furthermore, I don't like Nintendo's pushing to move games like Zelda into the motion control realm.  That takes a game that you should be able to play comfortably enough for 20 to 40 hours while sitting in your easy chair into something much more tiresome.

At least, they decided not to make the balance board a requirement for ZSS as well as it sounded like they were going to a few months ago.