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sapphi_snake said:

I was going by the Eurobarometer poll results. I was wrong though, Turkey and Malta are more religious than Romania, though Romania is still more religious than every European country except those two (and the Vatican of course). And the Romanian Orthodox Church colaborated with the Security (basically the romanian version of the KGB). The other religious cults were persecuted (for example my Catholic great grandmother was forced to convert to eastern orthodoxism because of the government).


Romania more secular than the USA? Lol, hilarious and very false. Does part of the tax money you pay automatically go  to the Chruch in the USA? I think not.

I was referring to the people's mentality, and while the government does have that law it's doesn't do half the shit republicans do in America in the name of religion. Like banning stem cell research, abstinence programs, national prayer day etc.