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  1. super mario galaxy
  2. super smash bros brawl
  3. no more heroes
  4. no more heroes 2
  5. metriod prime trilogy
  6. legend of zelda twilight princess
  7. punch-out!
  8. monster hunter tri
  9. zack & wiki
  10. super paper mario
  11. muramasa the demon blade
  12. wario ware smooth moves
  13. mario strikers charged
  14. dokapon kingdom
  15. madworld
  16. de blob
  17. animal crossing: city folk
  18. metal slug anthology
  19. exite truck
  20. wii sports

wow cant believe how many great wii games i still havent bought/ played yet. :)

don't waste time

3DS FC 4914-3563-4510

NNID : turtuls