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wiifan75 said:
Squilliam said:

2. They have until December 2011 to get that working with Forza: Kinect.

5. They already have depth information to exclude background noise so all they need to know is the shape of the object before hand. They can already use your clothes and face to create a unique avatar so for all intents and purposes this one can already be fulfilled.

9. Yet... They don't have to get everything out the door within 1 month of release.

10. They have explicitly stated that it will work as advertised as a media interface from launch.

By the way I love how you pulled out the F-bomb. Ad-hominem is the mark of a weak argument. In my mind you've already ceded this debate.


Took me a minute to find what you meant by F-bomb.  I re-read my post looking for the actual F word. lol

Your F-bomb wasn't in reference to you.

The games you reference may advertise stuff but they put out a COMPLETE (not counting DLC) product at finish.  Not put out a product before finishing.  Anyone without an internet connection or Wi-Fi will be getting cheated if the finished product features are download after sale.  And as for #9, yes they do need to get it all out the door at once.  Advertise it as part of the product and have it included when you buy the product.  That is very important.  Car analogies are easy for some reason right now with me but example would be buying a car, and we'll paint it within one month of purchase.  When MS sells something, it should be ready to sell.

No of course they don't. Any functionality not included with the original package which is added in future updates and relied upon by future games can be packaged into the software which requires it. Its quite simple really. Release without using broken functionality = ok, release but rely on functionality which doesn't work yet = bad.

If theres no such thing as a realistic car racing game using Kinect at release whilst sitting down, it doesn't mean they have failed to live up to what they have advertised.
